Yes, that's right - starting this week, we here at Radio Comix are proud to present Steve Gallacci's classic sci-fi tale, Birthright!
The collapse of the interstellar society has spawned countless uprisings and rebellions amongst the slowing deteriorating infrastructure. As political rivals vie for new resources, the once stable Shatora has been invaded, scattering the royal family. The young Prince Alfon, now on his own, must try and reclaim his Birthright.
Really happy to see this finally online! Years of hunting for all the back issues of Critters trying to find all the chapters from this story….and not succeeding. This is so cool!
OMG, THIS IS AWESOME :D, I have some Erma Felna command reviews and I must say, this is truly a privledge.
Will the webcomic appear in the exact same order it was published in “Critters”? “Critters” #15 had a significant error in continuity, with pages 15 and 16 (pages 94 and 95 of the “Birthright” story) printed in reverse order. This caused a major event in the story to be depicted BEFORE the events leading up to it. Hopefully it can be corrected in the webcomic.
Ach – sorry it’s taken me so long to answer this – work has been crazy.
I will sure try my best to catch this printing error as I’m processing the pages for upload. thank you so much for the heads up about it.
Enormous thanks for posting this. Gallacci’s stuff is so compelling. There’s no one like him.
i would love to see albedo done in a graphic novel becaus buying the comics seperately is so hard.
We would love to do a GN reprint of Albedio and are in talks to Steve about it, but nothing as of yet has been finalized.