Sorry for the small hiatus - but here we are, the start of issue 7!
Also, just a heads up: Sometime over the weekend I'll be changing the site format. It's be subtle on the viewer end but it'll be huge on the back end. Hopefully there will be little, if no interruption of service.
Anyways - Enjoy Havoc Inc 7's cover. ^.^
At the end of issue #9 it states ” to be continued”. Well, what gives? Where is issue #10?
Issue 10 was never printed due to lack of orders via diamond. but we do have the art and hope to post it here. ATM I’m just finishing the touches to issue nine for posting so it, hopefully, won’t be too long.
Well, I’m not really surprised about there not being enough orders. The biggest and oldest comic shop here (Tucson,Airizona) now only carries marvel and dc. Absolutely nothing else.