Woo, nice to see this back to the light of day! If there’s a collection, will it be kept as-is? No fixing of the various spellings of characters that change from page to page sometimes? 🙂
Yes, part II was MY first exposure to anthro comics and the fandom in general. But hey, back in the 80s, you could easily say Gallacci was responsible for fully half the fandom being hooked… It still is different today, so serialising it is worth it! (Between this and Wandering Star being put online, I feel old but happy.)
Wow, a Steve Gallachi comic online. This is going to be awesome. I still have some of his old Albedo books in my collection.
Our hope is that we can somehow convince him to let us archive Albedo on the site as well! I’d love for his work to have wider exposure. ^_^
Woo, nice to see this back to the light of day! If there’s a collection, will it be kept as-is? No fixing of the various spellings of characters that change from page to page sometimes? 🙂
Yes, part II was MY first exposure to anthro comics and the fandom in general. But hey, back in the 80s, you could easily say Gallacci was responsible for fully half the fandom being hooked… It still is different today, so serialising it is worth it! (Between this and Wandering Star being put online, I feel old but happy.)
*Sudden image of spending hours at WhatTheFont! trying to find all the different matches to Steve’s old presstype, which he changed liberally.*
*Runs screaming*