The tricky part of any war - is trying to out-think our enemy...


Seriously thinking about taking Ebin & May down to once a week while my health improves. Mostly due to the fact that to keep a Tuesday/Thursday schedule, I have to draw the whole page on Mondays and Wednesdays. But I am currently seeing my Chiropractor on Mondays and he's really doing a number to me.

I am currently suffering form a series of pinched nerves that affect my shoulders and right arm to the point where all the nerves down the line and muscles are balled up and he's having to break them loose to get them to heal correctly. And he's having to do it weekly for a while. Needless to say, after a treatment (on Mondays) I'm pretty well shot for doing much art or computer work in general until almost Thursday. Hence my sporadic schedule as of late.

Good news, the treatment is working and I'm getting a lot more mobility without intense pain like I had. Bad news, this is going to be going on for a while.

So, yeah - sorry for the delay. Please bare with me, and Ebin & May, as I work though this hurtle to get back to normal. Until then, expect frequent hiccups and possible slowing down of the posting schedule.


In other Radio Work News, I finally rewrote the Featured Comics Widget so it's now working correctly on all Radio Comix Sites. I had written this plugin ages ago and it worked fine until WordPress (our site engine) changed drastically in how they wanted widgets to be written/function. As a result, it broke on many of the newer comix sites. It still has a bit to go before it's prime time enough for me to release it for others to use. But I'm happy to finally get it working again after all this time and to get yet another thing off my docket. Next up - rewriting the Radio Comix Template page for the complete hosted comix site listing. It's been broken for over a year now. It really needs to get fixed and updated.

But before that... I need to go rest my hand again. >.<