
Been so busy trying to get Longing for Home up and going again that I forgot to upload last Thursday's page.

*Bonks self on head*

Have now uploaded page to go live on Tuesday, 6/8/10. Sorry for the wait.

*scuttles back to work on starscapes*

Chapter 04 Pg20

Bureau of Mana Investigation has updated!

Chapter 04 Pg19

Bureau of Mana Investigation has updated!

Chapter 04 Pg18

Bureau of Mana Investigation has updated!

Chapter 04 Pg17

Bureau of Mana Investigation has updated!

Chapter 04 Pg16

Bureau of Mana Investigation has updated!

Chapter 04 Pg15

Bureau of Mana Investigation has updated!

Chapter 04 Pg14

Bureau of Mana Investigation has updated!

Chapter 04 Pg13

Bureau of Mana Investigation has updated!

Chapter 04 Pg12

Bureau of Mana Investigation has updated!

Snack time!

Forums now live!

Whoohoo! We've got the Forums up and going again, Please feel free to create a login and start chatting. All your radio friends and enthusiasts will be there!