So - I've been thinking a lot on BMI vol.1. It's been out now for a few months, but there's been absolutely no buzz about it. Sad artist is sad. However there's something you all can do to help. If you've gotten a change to get a copy and read it, please review and rate it online. Good Reads, Amazon, ComiXology are great places to start. The hope is that the more people talk about it, the more new readers will want to give it a try.
Thanks all in advance. You guys are the best. *hugs*
Amazon UK: “This item is currently unavailable. We do not know when, or if, this item will become available.”
Sad reader is sad ;(
That’s odd. Amazon US says that it’s not available until April even though it’s already out. Not sure what Diamond is up to, or if they are getting their info from somewhere else.
In any case, if you can’t find it at your local shop, you can order the book from Radio directly or from our printer.
Radio Comix store