oh, wow. Just when I wasn't looking, we've hit the last page of BMI. Thanks so much for reading. I was hoping to do a nice closing illo, but me breaking my right arm last week kind of pooched that. As soon as my arm is free from this cast-like brace, I'll post the ending pic.
Until then, thank you all very much for following BMI. We hear at Radio are looking forward to the 2nd graphic novel. But that will a while before it can be put on the publishing schedule. So, keep your eyes peiled for news from Radio Comix.
Again I thank everyone who've followed BMI over the years. I do have a new project that has never seen the light of day before. Once my arm is better, I'll start posting it hear at Radiocomix.com. Until then, I wish you all well, and I hope to see you soon. ^.^
The last page?? Aaaawwww… BMI was one of my favorites! Oh, well. Times change, stories end, life goes on. Good Luck on your future ventures! BTW, Amark & Holly made a VERY sexy couple.
Damn, it’s over already? This was alot of fun and I have so many questions about the ending and the series!
How did Holly know so much about the Underground? I know that she probably learned through Sharradan about the Underground but did she really go there to help set things up? Or was it because he described it to her so well? Does Tarloom ever get caught? And if she was the fifth deamon to possess Holly, who were the others? I know Holly explained it in chapter three but she only spoke about two of the times she was possessed. From what she said, Armark met her at the trile of the second one. So did the other two happen between then and when they began dating or after? What happened? Were they succubusses too? Or another kind of demon? What exactly is Holly? Does her kind of creature have a name? We’ve seen an image of Armark’s family but no indication of Holly’s. Are they like her? Is she a cross between species? How about Hygron? I don’t really know what he is, nor how he can turn invisible. How about Tahee and Korlorsha? Do they manage to live peacfully? They were granted assilum if they testified against Lord Sheilba but he’s a bit dead now. Will they still be allowed to stay? And why has the Lady Tippikarrie replaced Lord Sheilba? Are they related? Is it because she has the next biggest power base after Lord Sheilba? Will she tolorate Sharradan? Tahee? Korlorsha? Will she allow them to continue living if they were such a threat to Lord Sheilba? Are there other problems faced by the Bureau? What will the army do with Amark? Where does Holly go from here since she’s been outted as someone supporting the Underground. Yes it’s been legal but that doesn’t nessassaraly mean she’s out of reach of blame.
The mark of a good story is when it leaves you wanting more and this ending does that. Unfortunetly it seems to do that a little too well. I’m left with alot more questions and a want to see where the chracters go from here. I know it’s unlikely that this situation will ever have a satifactory resolve since it involves politics at a fairly high level but I’d still love to see a bit more of this.
Still, I enjoyed the story while it lasted and thank you for creating a unicorn which wasn’t just fluffy and cute and could kick tail when it mattered.