Ah, Mallory, you silver-tongued devil, you…. Bob Asprin was always fond of saying, “What could possibly go wrong?” (a quick patter of words, sly grin, arched eyebrows.) Good old Mallory has an idea. What could POSSIBLY go wrong? The comic[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged duncan and mallory
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No tarantulas were hurt during the production of this page. But the outlook for sharks is beginning to dim just a tad.
In spite of all his explanations of how profit-oriented he is, Mallory’s conscience keeps him from a lot of actions — though it didn’t keep him from persuading Sadie to model the tarantula hair sweaters!
Apparently one tarantula hair sweater is enough for any girl’s wardrobe, though I’m sure Sadie would be happy to see that each of the guys had one for their attire.
Schirm and I are busy working on the next Duncan and Mallory — and Coyote should start back up very soon!