Maiden in Mail
Sorry for taking so long to post guys. I have been supper, uber sick. Well, super sick, better just in time for Con, then relapsed pretty hard after my meds wore out. I am getting better, but this thing is lingering and really does not wanna let go. ~.~
So, while I was sick, I did this piece of Fluffwiena. This will be my week-long bumper until I'm well enough to kick off the next chapter, hopefully next week. When I started, I told myself I'd do someone else of the cast and not Fluffy, but she had her way anyways. ^.^
I go crawl back under the covers now.
Ahhh…. Sorry to hear that illness was the cause of the quiet. May the eviiil little bugs that laid you low be soon a thing of the past.
See that the chainmail torture of your wrist continues! Very nice piece…. can see why you could not keep it from escaping onto the page!
You must not be too sick if you were able to do all that chainmail. 🙂 I hope you get to feeling better soon. This story line is getting very interesting!
So when sick, you draw… chain mail. You might want to have your head looked at. 🙂
Best of recovery to you! We’ll wait patiently.
A great image of Fluffwiena, we can’t really call her Fluffy anymore, with her character growth. I note that none of the characters have referred to her as such anymore, even when she’s not in earshot.
I’ve just read through the story a second time and I want to congratulate you on a great story. The, admittedly great, art is just a bonus, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the characters, the story and the depth you’ve given us.
There’s just one thing I have to mention, which is one of my pet peeves- it’s maille not chainmaille. Chainmaille is a Victorian term that developed to try to distinguish between several different types of armor, which may never have really existed. Their theorized exsistance may have been misinterpretations of Medieval artistic depictions of maille. It hasn’t crept into the story yet, but just be aware of it, especially as the term is frequently used in the comments.
For what it’s worth, being French, I call that a “cotte de maille” – but was unaware that “chain mail” was a misnomer. Something more to research! Huzzah! 🙂
Found this comic yesterday.
Read it all.
Loved it all.
A rare gem with good art and a well-written storyline.
I’ll stick to the end.
There’s my favorite princess, all grown up and ready to kick ass. 8’D