Here's a sneak peek of the cover to the new Untamed Vol. 2 adults-only anthology! (Cover painted by the lovely Diana Harlan-Stein! And yes, this is a Sin Factory title, so it is definitely NSFW and you must be 18+ in order to purchase it! It's the law!) This issue features more great stories and art by the team that brought you Anubis: Dark Desire, including Heather Bruton, Max Blackrabbit, Dark Natasha, EbonyLeopard, Steve Gallacci, Roz Gibson, Stephanie Lynne, Style Wager and more! You can pre-order the book at our online store and guarantee you won't miss out on getting a copy for your very own!
Any word of what happened to this anthology? It’s already December!
It is already out, in the distribution chain and in stores! Alas – it takes a while before we get our copies for the Radio Comix Store. The retain chain gets there’s first. But we should have it soon in our shop. Or, if you happen to be going to FC in January, we should have copies at our table.