Please, pardon our dust!

We are currently setting up a brand New Radio Comix Store online!

Fear not, all orders received from the old store are currently being processed.

Watch this site for more store news!


    • smudge

      We’re still working the bugs out of the new system before we take it live. In the meantime, I have forwarded your message onto Elin and someone will contact you directly very soon.

  • smudge

    Our New Online Store is now open for business! Come check it out. We’re still shaking some of the kinks out or our categories and the like. But everything is up and running.

    If you’re wanting a wholesale order, after creating a new account at the new store, drop Elin a note with your account name/email so that we can activate the ability to buy wholesale for your account.

    • Hi Amelia,
      This is Mike Lutrario, owner of M & T Comics and Cards. I’m very happy to hear that Elin was able to find someone who is able to help her with this. I have a couple of backorders in the system and are looking forward to getting them filled. Also, once you are fully up and functional I would be very interested in larger wholesale purchases if that might be possible. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Mike

      • Elin Winkler

        Hi Mike, please feel free to email Joe Rosales at as he is helping us with backstock & storage related stuff. We’re staring down *another* storage move by the end of the year, as the accessibility to the backstock in storage has been dreadful the entire pandemic. Because of this, the inventory numbers on the online store are in complete disarray at the moment, and part of why backorders are so behind. We’re chipping away at it slowly but surely (and hope to find some long-lost items in the upcoming move!) Fingers crossed the upcoming move doesn’t kill our middle-aged backs and that we can get back on track again.

        • Michael C Lutrario

          Hi Elin,
          Thanks for the update. I will get in contact with Joe later today. I look forward to getting some badly needed backissues. n Mike, M & T Comics and Cards

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