Having trouble deciding whether I should be fan-girling over the intricately gorgeous wood grain in the door or debating how much stronger Sebastian is than I thought he was – because seriously, given the size of horse needed to support the added weight of those tentacles, Beast is freakin’ heavy, and this looks effortless. And… adorable. <3
I’m guessing that Beast would not appreciate being considered the damsel in this situation. Relatedly, all those tentacles must weigh a TON. Bastian is clearly amazing.
And I see that Queen Cat is acting as honour guard! 🙂
AWWW. Sooo cute! T.T Beast. And Sebastian look so handsome! XD
oh My GOSH
I’m going to die from cuteness now.
Awww poor Beast is still pretty exhausted, huh. I love the little kitty tail curl in the corner ^^
Aw, Sebastian looks so smug. 😀
Having trouble deciding whether I should be fan-girling over the intricately gorgeous wood grain in the door or debating how much stronger Sebastian is than I thought he was – because seriously, given the size of horse needed to support the added weight of those tentacles, Beast is freakin’ heavy, and this looks effortless. And… adorable. <3
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww….. Okay, something has *definitely* short-circuted in Beast’s brain, but for the better. **melts**
I’m guessing that Beast would not appreciate being considered the damsel in this situation. Relatedly, all those tentacles must weigh a TON. Bastian is clearly amazing.
And I see that Queen Cat is acting as honour guard! 🙂
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I LOVE ALL THIS PAGE. And I say this every time, ahahaha, but yessssss. 8D
Hnnnnng, those tentacles!
I spend an unreasonable amount of time simply staring at this page. I don’t know how to stop.