Yup. Deeefinitely yup. Well, to be fair, the uncle pretended to be all loyal and friendly and then killed the person who meant the world to Beast. So er, at least the bar on ‘unforgivable’ is set pretty high. XD;
*nod* There’s an aspect of guilt, but remember, Beast hasn’t exactly gone spelunking in his own psyche for a long, long time. Even the little bit he did at the end of Ch 8 shows how quickly he hits guilt once he starts thinking about it. But he almost never thinks about it.
However, he broke ~outwards~ on that night, killing everyone around him, and he does rightly place the lion’s share of his anger on his uncle. So Beast is absolutely, 100% there with making his uncle suffer as long as possible.
Ooookaaay. Sounds like someone has something of a grudge, and clearly doesn’t believe enough in an afterlife to be willing to let Uncle’s ghost pass on into it. However, it does seem rather akin to cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face. Is there any way they can co-operate with Queen Cat to figure out whether various bits of the spell are going to be removable without letting ol’ Uncle Kinslayer there loose? (Now my brain is throwing out the term “Spellwork Jenga”). Even if it’s something like getting rid of the “attracts strangers who must leave without taking anything or remain forever” component…
Juuust a bit, yeah. And it’s not that Beast doesn’t believe in an afterlife – they have active gods, after all, and a pretty clear-cut system of where you go after death. No, Beast just wants to make his uncle suffer ~personally~.
Also, ‘Spellwork Jenga’ is an ~awesome~ and highly accurate concept of the enchantment. XD
Sebastian’s stubborn is enough to get through even ~Beast’s~ shields. XD Of course with Beast it can be a case of breaking through only to find the next layer. I think Sebastian finally has a near-complete idea of what he’s dealing with though. 😛
I was not expecting that but I totally should have because it makes so much sense. Of course Beast’s willing to suffer for the sake of making sure that his uncle suffers right along with him.
Also seriously Beast, why is ‘oh so you want to help so you can leave’ is the first thought you have? Did the sword fight way back whenever not teach you better about Sebastian? *shakes head*
Love that last panel: spacing, framing, little fang, all of it. Also, the contrast between the light background on Bastian’s panel and the black of Beast’s is wonderful. Says so much.
Methinks he holds a looooooong grudge. May Sebastian never do anything Beast deems unforgivable.
Yup. Deeefinitely yup. Well, to be fair, the uncle pretended to be all loyal and friendly and then killed the person who meant the world to Beast. So er, at least the bar on ‘unforgivable’ is set pretty high. XD;
I was expecting the Beast to say no, but after that tale I thought it would be because he believes he deserves to be cursed.
*nod* There’s an aspect of guilt, but remember, Beast hasn’t exactly gone spelunking in his own psyche for a long, long time. Even the little bit he did at the end of Ch 8 shows how quickly he hits guilt once he starts thinking about it. But he almost never thinks about it.
However, he broke ~outwards~ on that night, killing everyone around him, and he does rightly place the lion’s share of his anger on his uncle. So Beast is absolutely, 100% there with making his uncle suffer as long as possible.
Ooookaaay. Sounds like someone has something of a grudge, and clearly doesn’t believe enough in an afterlife to be willing to let Uncle’s ghost pass on into it. However, it does seem rather akin to cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face. Is there any way they can co-operate with Queen Cat to figure out whether various bits of the spell are going to be removable without letting ol’ Uncle Kinslayer there loose? (Now my brain is throwing out the term “Spellwork Jenga”). Even if it’s something like getting rid of the “attracts strangers who must leave without taking anything or remain forever” component…
Juuust a bit, yeah. And it’s not that Beast doesn’t believe in an afterlife – they have active gods, after all, and a pretty clear-cut system of where you go after death. No, Beast just wants to make his uncle suffer ~personally~.
Also, ‘Spellwork Jenga’ is an ~awesome~ and highly accurate concept of the enchantment. XD
…and also, *purrrrrr* because FANGS. XD
Sebastian’s stubborn is enough to get through even ~Beast’s~ shields. XD Of course with Beast it can be a case of breaking through only to find the next layer. I think Sebastian finally has a near-complete idea of what he’s dealing with though. 😛
I was not expecting that but I totally should have because it makes so much sense. Of course Beast’s willing to suffer for the sake of making sure that his uncle suffers right along with him.
Also seriously Beast, why is ‘oh so you want to help so you can leave’ is the first thought you have? Did the sword fight way back whenever not teach you better about Sebastian? *shakes head*
Love that last panel: spacing, framing, little fang, all of it. Also, the contrast between the light background on Bastian’s panel and the black of Beast’s is wonderful. Says so much.
That first panelllll, haaaaaa! <3 ALL THE DETAILS. The depth! The crossthatching! The tentacllesssssss. <3 <3
And ooooh, Beast… (But those faaaangs. <3)