Chapter 9 pg.24
(I am not dead! Making no promises on current update schedule of S&tB but I am doing my utmost.)
Also holy hells that was a lot of crosshatching. And working out perspective for that bottom panel was giving me absolute ~fits~. Must have redrawn the dang thing ten times. Still not entirely happy but it’s better than the previous tries.
Heeeeh, Sebastian starting to actually enjoy being there and – hm. Seeing what Beast is facing right now, hmmmmmm. This’ll be interesting…
Eeeee thank you!
hahaha yeah, things are going to get, ah, interesting. XD
Ia! Ia! Matix F’tagn!
*shakes head* Bastian, you should know that saying that automatically means that something is about to go down. It’s a RULE. Stop tempting fate!
Your crosshatching is lovely. 🙂 And I like the way Sebastian stands out in the foreground of the final panel (especially in contrast with said crosshatching).
I still love this story and their relationship is developing so nicely 🙂 Also *head smack* BAD Sebastion don’t tempt fate like that!
Oh, Sebastian, you doofus… don’t you KNOW better than to make vague-statements-of-contentedness? It’s the equivalent of saying “Don’t worry, what could go wrong?” as you light the fuses to your rocket-powered skis. From the almighty amount of tension visible in Beast’s shoulders and fists, I’m suspecting one of the following is about to occur:
a) Incoming travelers/curse victims
b) A declaration on Beast’s part of We-Are-Going-To-Break-The-Damn-Curse,-And-Of-Course-That-Means-You’ll-Never-See-Me-Again
c) Dirk and Branwyn, visiting to check up on their friend in his dreadful state of **cough** captivity
…..or something else. I’m certain it’ll be spectacular, whatever it is. Hope you had a great holiday season, Mati!
Also, am I imagining things or is Beast staring towards the old chapel where his Uncle’s revenant/ghost is imprisoned? **rise of foreboding music**