Stan Saki, creator of Usagi Yojimbo, and his wonderful wife, Sharon have been stoically dealing with her debilitating medical issues for some time now. Unfortunately, with the need of 24 hour at home care, money, even with insurance is becoming harder and harder to cover. To help, CAPS, the Cartoon Art Professional Society, has stepped forward to help with fundraising to help offset the overwhelming costs.
You can find more about this and ways to help at Garage Art Studios! blog.
Please check it out and help the Nicest Family in comicdom!
UPDATE (12/10/13): They are still having issues with PayPal due to overwhelming response and are working hard to get that resolved. In the meantime - if you wish to donate art to the auction, we've included the form to print out below.
Alternatively (as was mentioned on the Garage Art Studios! blog in the comments) if you wish to bypass PayPal, anyone can send a check in to:

P.O. Box 656
Burbank CA. 91503