Hey-ho! your favorite Radio web-monkey here. Just wanted to give folks a heads up that I’ll be doing some site maintenance on Ebin & May over the weekend. So if you hit the site and things seem a little off-kilter,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for News
Just got back from the Doctor’s – Yippy! It’s official. I have bronchitis …. I’m going to crawl back into bed now. T-T
Smudge is still out. The rib is getting better, but still a problem… and, well, she’s been poleaxed by a cold I introduced her to. Still wondering where I got it. So… it’s not completely my fault…
Sorry folks – No post today for Ebin & May. While I have started on the next page, my back is in no shape to finish it in time. While it is getting better, it’s doing so at a snails[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry folks, no updates this week. Last week, I unfortunately ended up dislocating one of my ribs and am now stuck laying flat on my back in bed. As a result I am unable to work on my computer or[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Been a busy-bee here! I just finished compiling Ebin & May vol.2 for press and it’s now off at the printers. Hopefully, just in time for Further Confusion! To help promote it – I’ve put together some bookmarks as freebies/handouts[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve been working for some time getting the next Ebin & May GN together to have it out for Further Confusion in January. In the process of complimenting it, I’ve realized that I somehow skipped a complete chapter, 34 -[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
May spine art by *SmudgeDragon on deviantART Finally got this done, May’s art for the spine for Ebin & May vol.2. This one is entirely done in the Computer, sketch and inks in Manga Studio and the colors in Photoshop.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry there has been no new updates on Ebin & May this week. Recently, one of our house servers went down for the count, and guess which machine housed all my working files for E&M… yeah… Good news- all the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
That’s right, the Graphic novel you’ve been asking for is now green light; Ebin & May vol.2 – May’s Memories. While the official date for publication has not been set yet, the goal at Radio is to have it out[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…