So this script is taking me longer than I originally anticipated. Mostly because I keep getting sidetracked by other work that’s screaming for attention now, Now, NOW! So, I’m delayed yet another week. Feh. In the meantime, enjoy a little[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged May
Hazzah! The last page of this chapter! I’m loving all the comments about Fluffwiena and her character arc. Thank you so much for a wonderful discussion from all of you. Sorry for not posting last week. Life kept interrupting. Sometimes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Wow – I’m really slipping on my updates again. Sorry. Allergy season is in full swing here again. Looks to be a bumper crop of ragweed this year. And it’s messing with my head. So at least for the next[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Princesess Fluffwiena; Champion Table Flipper. Oh come on, you could see this coming a mile a way. But she really did need to blow off some steam.
And there goes May, always trying to be the diplomat. ^.^ Better late than never for this page, eh? ^.^
What?!? You mean the indoor riding arena’s actually used for riding? Who would have thought…. Work has been … interesting as of late. Have another sinus infection (almost a constant state with me) and this one is really screwing with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry for the late page guys. Totally my bad. Just getting swamped with RL stuff that I’m hoping will clear up soon. Next page will likely go up Friday due to what-all.
Still chugging along. Been spending 1/2 my time working on Ebin & May’s next page and rescanning and re-lettering all of Liberty from Hell for ePress. It’s lots of work but I think it will be worth it, since we[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…