It's a page! whoot!
Still feeling very under the weather. Am sleeping 2 hours for every 1 I'm awake. I've been told by folks who have dealt with bronchitis before that it takes about 6 weeks to get over. Blargh. But I am getting better, as posting a page proves. Am going to try and get back to my posting schedule, but it's going to be hard going for a while. So if I slip a page now and again while I'm still fighting the good fight, I apologize in advance. But with a little luck that won't happen.
At least out new friend knows when to pull his head in, eh?
Life is really giving you a great time at the moment…. hmmmm? With ribs as one and bronchitis as two…. we don not want to see you try to beat that with a bigger number three!! 😉
yeah – I *really* don’t want that other shoe to drop… T-T
My bronchitis this year was diagnosed right at the start – aggressive antibiotics and rest for a week too care of it, but it _was_ a couple of weeks after that until I felt back to full strength. So you have my sympathies.
Yeah, welcome back!