Yippy! Another page posted on-time. It's feel so good to get back onto schedule after being so sick for so long.
Still coughing more than I'd like and my rib is still complaining but I'm managing. At least I'm off that horrid Mucinex. It's like a chalk based castor-oil, that seeps through your saliva. EWWWWW! Um, yeah - soooooo glad to be off that pile of vileness. So yeah, don't take if you can help it. And that concludes Smudge's service announcement of the day. ^.^
Agree with previous comments that the mute and deflated Pricess seems somewhat tragic….. until I remind myself of her prior personality and the warnings she willfully ignored and belittled….. then a fair bit of the sypathy wanders away to find a more deserving recipient…. but it is replaced by a bit of pity….. for both her and her family….. can always hope that maturity may grow from this.
Glad to hear things are at least slowly on the improve for you, Smudge……and as for Mucinex…. if it works then what the heck….. a bit of blarghh to get rid of a lot of coughing usually works out…. does any cough medicine ever taste even vaguely reasonable? I swear they try to outdo each other in vileness texture or taste or both….. you may have found a winner!
Erghhh…. dang double post!
Agree with previous comments that the mute and deflated Princess seems somewhat tragic….. until I remind myself of her prior personality and the warnings she wilfully ignored and belittled….. then a fair bit of the sympathy wanders away to find a more deserving recipient…. but it is replaced by a bit of pity….. for both her and her family….. can always hope that maturity may grow from this.
Glad to hear things are at least slowly on the improve for you, Smudge……and as for Mucinex…. if it works then what the heck….. a bit of blarghh to get rid of a lot of coughing usually works out…. does any cough medicine ever taste even vaguely reasonable? I swear they try to outdo each other in vileness texture or taste or both….. you may have found a winner!