Chapter 9 pg.01
Something about this page was driving me up the wall, but looking at the completed page, I like how the tone of it came out. :3
Something about this page was driving me up the wall, but looking at the completed page, I like how the tone of it came out. :3
Oh my goooood, all those details! As usual, haha. XD;;; That path! The stones! Aaaaaaaah! Beast’s haaaaaaair.
Beast looks adorable just waking up, haha. XD;;;
He’s going to be at least slightly embarrassed by what happened the night before, isn’t he? Beeeeast.
This page was really weird on me, maybe I’m out of practice or… I dunno, something. 😛 Not in the setup or anything just.. the inking, for some reason. Ugh.
Glad you like it! <3
*snerk* Even Beast has bed-head sometimes. I was tempted to skip this and jump straight to 'later that day' or something, but them waking up together like this fits with the tone of this chapter, and I really like the sense of intimacy.
You'll just have to wait and see. XD
**melts** Oh man, Sebastian’s face in the last panel; who could resist those eyes and that smile?
Bet they both feel awful, though. Let’s see, physical and emotional trauma for Sebastian, major emotional trauma for Beast….. They should have the equivalent of mental, physical and spiritual hangovers at this point.
XD Sebastian’s awesome that way, yeah.
Yeeaah, neither of them is exactly at their best right now, poor guys. It’s good for Beast that it happened, but he probably wouldn’t agree with that (not right now, anyway XD;; ).
I love how in the fourth(?) panel you can see Sebastian’s hand still wrapped around Beast’s shoulders. He stayed that way even when he fell asleep. And that noise Beast made in response to Sebastian’s good morning. Starting with ‘m’ it almost sounds like that’s as close as Beast can get to ‘morning’ right now or he’s just repeating what Sebastian said in confusion. So adorable!
And then I looked over Sebastian’s shoulder and saw what looks like a wooden post of something or maybe the door in the background where I swear I can see the grain of the wood. All the crosshatching and shading-how haven’t you killed your wrist yet? I’m in awe!
Please tell me you’re going to let Beast get at least a cup of tea into himself before expecting any major processing out of him… poor bloke’s bound to be feeling pretty much wiped, and from the sound of things, his brain is doing a particularly slow boot this morning.
Ahaha, I feel like the fallout from this is going to be interesting no matter which way Beast jumps. Your scenery is gorgeous (as ever) and I love the way you’ve staggered the panels.