Chapter 9 pg.22
Thank you to everyone who waited so patiently, and also thank you for all the people who asked when this would continue - you are all made of awesome!
Thank you to everyone who waited so patiently, and also thank you for all the people who asked when this would continue - you are all made of awesome!
Ghhh, Beeeeast giving gentle ribbing and just yesssss. 😀
Heee yes! XD They are adorable when they’re not trying to kill each other *snerk*
Ahhhhh, those SMILES I just. 😀 😀 😀 😀
Thank you! ^___^
Ah! Finally, my Sebastian and the Beast fix!
Yep, I’m ba-aaack.
I was worried something happened. XD; Welcome back! Good to have you baaack.
(ths is probably the most I’ve ever said, I’m usually a silent lurker but I was just so happy to see you’re back. XD; )
*hug!* Yes I am, thank you!
Sorry for worrying you! I had the ~worst~ problem kicking myself into gear (and also some RL stuff) for a while, but things seem to be getting back on track. <3
Ahahaha, dancing euphemisms. Man, Beast has totally mellowed out since the last time this topic came up (as it were). Yet another way in which Sebastian is good for him!
I’m delighted to see this story start up again! Welcome back! 🙂
*L* He definitely has. It helps that Sebastian has seen him at his.. if not worst, then pretty bad, and at least knows about the ‘worst,’ and still hasn’t run screaming. Plus, the longer Sebastian is around, the more Beast gets to interact with him as a person rather than a preconceived notion.
Oh my goodness. I’m glad this is back! This is a lovely page – and I’m going to reread all of this.
Thank you! ^____^
*dies* Ahahahaha they’re so CUTE. XD
**flails like a muppet** You’re baaaack! Finally got the chance to check this; I’ve been out of state for several weeks and now have something very flu-like, so… Man, they’re cute. The contrast in expressions– Sebastian does “surprised!puppy” very well, and Beast does an extremely appealing “gotcha!” face. 😀 So glad to see this up and running again, and definitely glad to see that YOU are okay, Miz Mati!