Sorry for the late page guys. Totally my bad. Just getting swamped with RL stuff that I'm hoping will clear up soon. Next page will likely go up Friday due to what-all.
Sorry for the late page guys. Totally my bad. Just getting swamped with RL stuff that I'm hoping will clear up soon. Next page will likely go up Friday due to what-all.
Nitpick time:
Panel 2: “Your going to make mistakes”
“Your” is the possessive form of “you”. This is your book; these are your clothes; that was your cue.
“You’re” is the contraction of “you are”. You’re going to need milk; you’re going to Milan; you’re going to make mistakes.
Neither of which, of course, to be confused with “yore”.
I like this chapter, by the way. Nice quiet bit of personalization.
Irrelivant if the point is gotten across. Just as I don’t like human feet on animal characters, it is the artists concept and if a mistake is made we traverse that flaw and enjoy the whole. Love the whole sight. Great work!
I do not mind constructive criticism at all. It’s part of being a professional artist. A point out to a spelling/typo error is fine in my book. And as long as it’s easily fixable (ie – the files are not too old and can be quickly dug out to make the correction), I generally do. ^.^
Just FYI – I tend to have a couple of proofreaders go though my pages before upload to catch errors like that. I am a notoriously bad speller and typist. However, as of late, I’ve been so far behind that I haven’t had a chance to grab them. Hopefully that will change soon. I really hate Just-in-time publishing… ~.~
I don’t understand your point, Tygrahof? Are you saying a misspelling or a typo is okay? It’s really not irrelevant (which YOU misspelled, BTW), nor is it the same thing as deciding how many fingers or toes the anthros in your world should have. If a character is supposed to be speaking in broken or pigdin English, then not only would it be okay but there should be a lot more of it as well. If not, then it is a glaring spot on the face of the work, not unlike a zit, and calls undue attention to itself. And it messes up an otherwise professional piece of work. Misspellings are never irrelevant.
Now, I just take it to be an accidental typo, something not intended, and I’m just pointing it out to Smudge because I honestly think she would want to correct it before she compiles the next collection.
No worries Chuck. I most certainly do not mind to occasional correction for spelling. Heaven knows, sometimes I really need it.