Wow - I'm really slipping on my updates again. Sorry. Allergy season is in full swing here again. Looks to be a bumper crop of ragweed this year. And it's messing with my head. So at least for the next couple of weeks, expect sporadic and late updates. I will do the best I can to stay on schedule, but there are just going to be days I need to rest and there's no getting around it. But I wanted to give you guys far warning.
Also - thanks so much for the witty comments on the last few pages. It's awesome to see such positive reaction to Fluffwiena's character arc. While I haven't been able to respond to each, I do read them all and am very touched by each of them. Thank you so much!
I love how May’s going, “Ah… aheh… er…”
Yay, imperious attitude! Yay, the SOCK GARROTE! It drippeth from his shoulder as he bows. Hee hee hee!
“Oh, and watch out when you return your horse. For all you know, the stablehand is the emperor in an amazing new costume!”
Fluffy’s expression in the first panel: Priceless!
Yeah, the past two pages have been almost exactly what I was expecting of Fluffwiena, and I love strong character development (even if they’re developing as evil characters) over everything else.
That is the key, Razmoudah….. character presence.
Great Artwork…. Great.
Epic Storytelling….. Epic.
Character Presence and Growth… Essential to be Present!!!!!
And the Princess goes off with a bang!
Mind you, she has also put May on the spot by making it clear that she has a bigger role to play….. and it is as suited to May’s personality as laundry washerwoman is to Fluffy’s…..
Oh, and Smudge…. No worries on the update issues….. no sense in burning your health to make an arbitrary schedule.
It really feels good to see Fluffwiena reach this turn in her life and her attitude. Kudos on a well-turned character arc.
Fluffy: You’re either going to help out or I WILL EAT YOUR FACE!”
That is how I’m seeing the attitude with the face in panel 3 where she’s got him by a stocking garrote
If there weren’t many Fluffy fans before.. THERE ARE NOW 😀
Fluffweina: “My snooty is FAR more powerful than yours. DO AS I TELL YOU!”
Great 🙂 The comment “or I WILL EAT YOUR FACE” really sums it up.
But … there is a minor detail bothering me. Just take this as my personal opinion; maybe you can use it.
In the first panel, she says “I’m your princess … nay, your EMPRESS …”
For me, this correction takes a lot of power out of her attack. I feel that she is able to state her correct title anytime because that’s what she has been trained. It’s what representatives *do*.
I would expect something like “How dare you! I’m YOUR EMPRESS …”
The only reason I don’t agree is she was princess her entire life, and accustomed to that power. As an Empress, she was hidden away in a tower and beaten to within an inch of her life. She was less than a slave in her own household. So reminding herself that she is an empress, above and beyond a princess, is not that easy.
I agree with Zypher. Also, she’s pretty much thinking she’s a princess again, having been rescued from Houman. But if it means playing a trump card to show she’s above the ruffian? Who accused her of being a peasant? Oh no, she’s going to play her Above You card – then remembers she has a WAY Above You Card. 🙂 It’s a “Take That!” moment.
I see it as a escalating thing. Sort of like you telling someone “That is a dumb… no absolutely idiotic thing to do without a helmet” when they want to practice stunts on a pair of rocket skates.
Fluffy gives an impressive sight, she turned from a spoiled child into person of authority.