That is one maaaad tiger!
oh - and in other news, one of my other comics, Liberty from Hell just went live on Comics Plus mobile app the other day. I've been working my bum off rescanning and lettering the entire book so that we could present it in the original sepia toned color that it was painted in. While I freely admit the title is not for everyone, I'm still dang proud of it as a story.
just wanted to say how awsome this comic is, i also bought both of your books because i loved the story plot and i hope you publish the third book really soon.
I’m doing a two-week catch up run, and after your comment regarding Mad Men it almost sounds like you’re of the feminine persuasion. Not saying that’s a bad thing (check out Tiffany Ross some time, very talented and she’s been at it for well over a decade, being feminine (regardless of your actual gender) is hardly problematic), but it was surprising as I hadn’t had a distinct impression before that comment. Oh well, I don’t really care that much, I care much more about how great your story is, and my lack of finances to buy print copies.
Lol! Why, yes, I am female. ^.^
And Tiffany and I talk off and on. She is good people.