Just in time for Furry Fiesta, Brian Sutton, Shon Howell and Mark Moore's fantastic pulp action/adventure book is now ready for pre-orders from the Radio Comix Online Store!
Deep in the Belgian Congo a new shocking archeology discovery could shake the very foundations of modern civilization. More important than the Atomic Bomb! More indescribable than Roswell! It’s up to super spy Nell and the gallant Dr. Tyler to keep it out of the Neo-Luddite’s hands, without getting their tails singed. Thrilling pulp-style sci-fi fun, chock full of jet-packs, mad scientists, beautiful gal explorers, Nazi villains and jungle girls! All four issues of this classic anthropomorphic miniseries, collected in a convenient 118-page graphic novel!
Eureka! Graphic Novel
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118pgs, Black & White, Color Cover
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