Posts Tagged furry
Hey all – sorry for the sketch update. It’s the 4th of July here in the States and it’s really hard to get work done when there’s fireworks and BBQ going. So I took the day off and spent it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whoohoo! Despite my internet outage yesterday, I was still able to post this online. Go me! Man – this is turning into a long episode. ^.^;
Yippy! Another page posted on-time. It’s feel so good to get back onto schedule after being so sick for so long. Still coughing more than I’d like and my rib is still complaining but I’m managing. At least I’m off[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It’s a page! whoot! Still feeling very under the weather. Am sleeping 2 hours for every 1 I’m awake. I’ve been told by folks who have dealt with bronchitis before that it takes about 6 weeks to get over. Blargh.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
4 ‘O-clock in the morning and I’m finally done with this page. Weeee! Going to be at Big Wow Comic Fest in San Jose this coming weekend, though I will be floor pounding. I go crash now. ;p